VIdeo Resume

This blog is to serve as a representative of some of the work I have done for the now defunct, of which I was a co-founder.. I must admit that these videos were done on virtually no budget, with little to no prep time. The site is no longer running but the videos live on. I would either walk in and offer the service or make an appointment before hand. The purpose of these Video Classified Ads that I shoot were to establish a base of content for the site, and were shot for no compensation from the business.

My favorite aspect of shooting these short videos was the chance to stumble upon a story. The owner of a boutique's story of her beginnings, or the history of a greenhouse. Sometimes the best stories come from the least likely of places.

If you wish to discuss a low budget video project you have in mind, please contact me at

I am for hire. I am willing to distribute your video across the web for optimal web exposure.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Video Classified: Greenbriar Greenhouse

Greenbriar is one of my favorite places in New Haven, close to where I grew up. In this video we get a tour and a brief history of this wonderful place. I am very pleased to have shot this video because it will always be a great little spot and I encourage anyone in or visiting New haven to stop by.
Director, Videographer, Editor

Artist Profile: Brad Story

This is an ad I shoot for sculptor Brad Story for iMoondo. He did not want to talk on camera, rather he wished for me to shoot his pieces and add a Chopin track and let the work speak for themselves. His work is very unique and it was quite a fun experience.
Director, Videographer, Editor