VIdeo Resume

This blog is to serve as a representative of some of the work I have done for the now defunct, of which I was a co-founder.. I must admit that these videos were done on virtually no budget, with little to no prep time. The site is no longer running but the videos live on. I would either walk in and offer the service or make an appointment before hand. The purpose of these Video Classified Ads that I shoot were to establish a base of content for the site, and were shot for no compensation from the business.

My favorite aspect of shooting these short videos was the chance to stumble upon a story. The owner of a boutique's story of her beginnings, or the history of a greenhouse. Sometimes the best stories come from the least likely of places.

If you wish to discuss a low budget video project you have in mind, please contact me at

I am for hire. I am willing to distribute your video across the web for optimal web exposure.

Monday, February 25, 2008

iMoondo Jingle: Promo with the Naked Cowboy

This was a promo video I shot for iMoondo in Time Square with the Naked Cowboy. What a fun experience. I went to NYC for the day and hung out with iMoondo's President and met the Naked Cowboy. He wrote this clever little ditty and we just walked and shot. There was little to plan we met before we did the shoot and briefly discussed what we would do and then we just did it. This was the first time I shot on the streets of New York and with a "celebrity". I use quotation marks because he is a self made celebrity but not on the level of what many would consider one to be. The Naked Cowboy a.k.a Robert John Burck, was always in character and very professional, and all around cool guy to hang with.
Director, Videographer, Editor

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Video Classifieds: Pizza at the Brick Oven

Pizza at the Brick Oven is one of my favorite quick pizza places in New Haven. It is the only real wood burning oven in the New Haven area, which is almost unbelievable. Living in New Haven for so long you tend to get spoiled by some of the best pizza you will ever eat. Brick Oven has some great deals the pizza is always delicious.
Director, Videographer, Editor

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Artist Profile: Chris Williams

Chris Williams is a sculptor working in metal. When I met Chris I was instantly drawn to his work. How could I not be, he had a life size metal bear situated in the flat bed of his truck. Needless to say his work is very impressive. He is a great guy too. Be sure to check out his other work on his site, he also welcomes visitors to his studio in Essex, MA.
Director, Videographer, Editor

Artist Profile: Bart Stuyf

I met Bart during the Cape Ann Artist Tour this past summer. I was very impressed with his work and more impressed with his stories. This is one of my favorite videos. I find artist to be the most interesting personalities to interview. Please check out Bart's website and always support the local arts.
Director, Videographer, Editor